Theological Essay Award




The Orthodox Research Group of St. John Chrysostom is pleased to announce the Theological Essay Award, which is our first official writing ‘marathon’.

The topic of the essay is “At which point do we start to do Theology.”

The essay should be around 5000 words and must be submitted by the 22 June 2020 to

The essays will be judged by the independent Theological committee.  The winner will be announced on the 10 August 2020.

We encourage all the group members and non-members to take part. The winner will receive an honorary prize of £200. Donations towards larger prizes are welcome.


We hope you’ll join our ‘marathon’!




Submission of essays 

Essays should contain original work and should not have been published in abridged or other forms elsewhere.

The length of the essay should be around 5000 words, but we might also accept essays from 3,000 (e.g. if poetry) to 10,000 words.

Essays should be submitted by e-mail attachment, in Word format or in Word, with an additional pdf file (not pdf alone, please).


Please supply full contact details including an email address.


Essays should be 1.5 line-spaced in a reasonably sized clear font (preferably 11-point Arial) with notes placed at the foot of the page, not at the end of the document.

Please use the Chicago Manual of Style for References.
Biblical references: 1 Cor. 3:7-21, 1 Cor. 3:7-4:1; Isaiah 40-66; Rev. 6:1, 4, 7; 8:2, 5 (i.e. no spacing between colon and numbers). 



Authors of essays that wish to include any supporting illustrative material for publication should, if possible, supply at least one illustration, which must be a good photograph or line drawing. Permission for reproduction is essential and is the responsibility of the author.

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