Research Interests
Danut’s current theological research focuses on Christian anthropology, grounded in biblical and patristic theology. He is also interested in the theology of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon and the Cappadocian Fathers. Dr Dănuț Jemna is a professor and doctoral coordinator in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Iași, Romania. He is a visiting professor at the University of Poitiers, France. He holds PhD in Orthodox Theology, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania. His thesis title was: Biblical Foundations of the Incorruptibility Concept in St. Irenaeus of Lyon’s Anthropology. Danut is a member of the Union of Biblical Scholars in Romania.
Selected Publications
Dănuț Jemna, Vocation of Discipleship, Langham Publishing, 2023
Dănuț Jemna, Isus – fiul omului (Jesus – the Son of Man), Eikon 2023
Dănuț Jemna, Cred pentru ca nu este absurd (I Believe Because is not Absurd), Eikon, 2020
Dănuț Jemna, Antropologia Sf. Irineu de Lyon (The Anthropology of St. Irenaeus of Lyons), Doxologia, 2017
Dănuț Jemna, Credința creștină. Întrebări și răspunsuri (Christian Faith. Questions and Answers), Ratio et Revelatio, 2015
Dănuț Jemna, Reimagining ecumenism for the 21st century. Staniloae’s Theology as a source and inspiration, Religions, 2023.
Dănuț Jemna, Influence of Apologists on Saint Irenaeus’ Anthropology, Jurnal Teologic, 2023.
Dănuț Jemna, Divine Revelation in Saint Irenaeus’ Theology, Theology and Life, XXXII, 1-4, 2022, pp. 107-130.
Dănuț Jemna, When the Gap between Academic Theology and the Church Makes Possible the Orthodox-Evangelical Dialogue, Religions 12(4), 2021, 274.
Dănuț Jemna, The Aphtharsia in the Pauline Thought. A Biblical Anthropological Perspective, Sacra Scripta, X, 1, 2012, pp. 69-97.
Contact Details
Email: vasilecm@gmail.com
Telephone number(s): +40740825244
Postal Address: Str. 1Decembrie, No 73, Valea Lupului, Iasi, 707410, Romania
Social Media details: https://uaic.academia.edu/danutjemna