ORIC Conference, Paris, France 2024

ORIC Seventh International Theological Conference at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute

in cooperation with St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute

The conference is organised with the financial support of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St Sergius

Sacrifice as Participation in Christ

Conference Programme

Monday 2 September

Opening of the Conference 

Talks at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Serguievskoe Podvorie, 93 rue de Crimée

8.30-9.00 am Morning Prayers

9.00-9.10 am Prof. Michel Stavrou, Dean of St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute

Conference Welcome Speech

9.10-9.30 am Olga Sevastyanova

Welcome Speech

9.30-10.30 am Keynote speech: Rev. Stephen Headley

Sacrifice. From Death to Life

10.30-11.00 pm Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30 pm Short papers: The Cross and the Meaning of Sacrifice.

Ecumenical dialogue

Chair: Rev. Bogdan Brinza

11.00-11.30 am Zdenko Širka

Theology of the Cross: Protestant Lutheran Perspective

11.30-12.00 am Olga Sevastyanova

Moses’ Outstretched Arms as an Image of Sacrifice in Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Moses

12.00-12.30 pm Rev. Timothy Ezat

Theology of the Cross: Catholic Perspective

12.30 pm Conference Photograph

12.30-2.00 pm Lunch

2.00-3.00 pm Plenary: Prof. Michel Stavrou


3.00-3.15 pm Coffee Break

3.15-4.30 pm Panel Discussion

Prof. Julia Vidovic, Rev.  Nathanael Neacșu, Danut Monastireanu, Gregoire Aslanoff, Elena Narinskaya

Chair: Charles Ibanez

4.30-5.30 pm Tour around St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute

5.40-6.30 pm Vespers

6.30 pm Dinner

Tuesday 3 September

Talks at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Serguievskoe Podvorie, 93 rue de Crimée

8.45-9.00 am Prayer

9.00-10.00 am Plenary: Gregoire Aslanoff

Iconography of Sacrifice

 10 -10.15 am Coffee break

10.15-11.45 Short papers: Sacrifice in the Scripture

Chair: Alexey Sevastyanov

10.15-10.45 am Charles Ibanez

The Scriptural roots of the Christian concept of sacrifice

10.45- 11.15 am Danut Monastireanu, Prof. Danut Vasile Jemna

Sacrifice of the mind: There is Hope in the Incarnation – rediscovering the lost scriptural mind

11.15-11.45 am Elena Narinskaya

Sacrifice of ‘Old’ and Sacrifice of ‘New’: Continuation of the Revelation

12.00-2.00 Lunch

2.00-3.00 pm Plenary: Prof. Julia Vidovic

The Incarnate Word in the Modern World from the perspective of Olivier Clément.

3.00-3.15 pm Coffee Break

3.15- 4.45 pm Short Papers A: Sacrifice in the Eucharist

Chair: Rev.  Nathanael Neacșu

3.15-3.45 pm Victor Alexandrov

Eucharistic Sacrifice

3.45-4.15 pm Christos Vattis

The Divine Liturgy as an Experience and The Participation of the Believers in The Orthodox Church. Liturgical Approach

4.15-4.45 pm Slavisa Kostic

The phenomenology of Eucharistic sacrifice in Emmanuel Falque and Christina M. Gschwandtner

4.45-5.15 pm Rev. Prof. George Mihalache


3.15- 4.45 pm Short Papers B: Sacrifice in the Early Church

Chair: Prof. Danut Jemna

3.15-3.45 pm Mako Nagasava

Sacrifice in Irenaeus of Lyon

3.45-4.15 pm Nikolaos Giannou

Gregory of Nyssa and the Patristic Transformation of the Sacrificial Concept

4.15-4.45 pm Rev. Nishad Issac Chandy

Understanding ‘Sacrifice’ in the Early Church: Mapping Missiological Models and Implications for Transformative Ecumenism Today

4.45-5.15 pm Nikola Bakic

The Theme of Sacrificing Earthly Desires in ‘The Ladder of Divine Ascent’ by St. John Climacus

5.15-6.00 pm Round Table: Brainstorming the meaning of Sacrifice

Chair: Rev. Bogdan Brinza

6.00 pm Dinner

Wednesday 4 September

Talks at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Serguievskoe Podvorie, 93 rue de Crimée

8.45-9.00 am Prayer

9.00-10.00 am Plenary: Metropolitan Seraphim Kykkotis of Zimbabwe and Exarch of Southern Africa

Sacrifice and Ecological Metanoia (Repentance)

10 -10.15 am Coffee break

10.15-11.45 Short papers A: Sacrifice in Asceticism

Chair: Natalia Munataeva

10.15-10.45 am Raul Ovidiu Bodea

The Sacrifice of the Self in the Thought of Nikolai Berdyaev and John Zizioulas

10.45- 11.15 am Quadratus Dumitrescu

War, suffering and sacrifice in the thought of Maria Skobtsova

11.15-11.45 am Viktar Niachayeu

Ego sacrifice as a primary motivational aspiration for Hesychast spirituality

10.15-11.45 Short papers B: Sacrifice in Asceticism

Chair: Emil Marginean

10.15-10.45 am Ivan Ilin

Love Incarnated: Sergii Bulgakov’s Theology of Sacrifice

10.45- 11.15 am Aleksandre Gabunia

Participating in Christ’s Sacrifice: Eschatological Communion and Ecclesial Identity through the Last Supper Event in John Zizioulas’ Theology

11.15-11.45 am Rev. Deacon Raffaele Guerra

The mystery of sacrifice and blood in the theology of Annick de Souzenelle

12.00-1.30 pm Lunch

1.30-3.00 pm Short papers A: Sacrifice in the modern world

Chair: Danut Monastireanu

1.30-2.00 am Rev. Prof. Roger Coresciuc


2.00-2.30 am Emil M. Mărginean

Self-sacrifice, Empathy and Compassion in an AI Era: A Spiritual Orthodox Christian Perspective

2.30- 3.00 pm Rev. Bogdan Brinza


1.30-3.15pm Short papers B: Sacrifice in the modern world

Chair: Natalia Munataeva

1.30-2.00 am Pavel Ruzyak

Sacrifice Then and Now

2.00-2.30 am Maja Nikolova

Meetings with Christ – Veronauke textbooks in Serbian schools until the First World War

2.30- 3.00 pm Guram Lursmanashvili

Patriarch Leonide (Okropiridze) and his sacrifice in Soviet Russia

3.00 -3.15 pm Paschalis Tsitsifyllas

Sacrifice in Ecology and Couple Life

3.00-3.20 pm Coffee Break

3.20- 5 pm Round Table Discussion

Brainstorming of the ORIC Future Activities


5-6 pm Conference Closing and Vespers

6 pm Dinner

Thursday, 5 September- Saturday, 7 September

ORIC Members Retreat to Vezelay