ORIC Conference 2018 Prague


In cooperation with the Charles University Centre of Excellence: Theological Anthropology in Ecumenical Perspective – UNCE No. 204052 (HUM/012)


Friday, November 30  

I. Talks at Theological Department (Černá 9, 115 55 Prague 1)

9:00-9.15 Prayer

Conference Welcome Speech: Revving up Orthodox Research

1st Session:  Holy Fathers on the Life in the Holy Spirit

Chair: Kyrylo Dubrovsky

9.15-9.30 Dr. Nikos Kouremenos

Athanasius’ Letter to Virgins: The Interpretation of the Song of Songs in the Service of Spiritual Perfection

9.40-9.55 Dr. Zurab Jashi

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit according to Gregory of Nazianzus

10:05-10.20 Dr. Eirini Artemi

The donations of the Holy Spirit in the Pneumatology of Cyril of Alexandria

10:30-10:44: Dr. Dionysios Skliris

The Pneumatology of Saint Maximus the Confessor

10:55-11:10 Coffee/Tea

2nd Session:  Exploring the Driving Forces of Spiritual Life

Chair: Mihai Iahym

11:10-11:25 Dr. Sotiris Mitralexis

Why There can be no “Orthodox Spirituality”

11:35-11:50 Dr. Olga Sevastyanova

Human Spirituality as Led by the Holy Spirit

12:00-12:15 Dr. Niki Tsironi

Emotion and the Senses in Byzantine Tradition: The Epiclesis of St. Symeon the New Theologian to the Holy Spirit

12.25-12.40 Dr. Slaviša Kostić

Spiritual Presence in Paul Tillich and in Eastern Orthodox Ascetism

12.45-12.50 Father Andrei Dosoftei

“O, Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth”

13.00-14.00 Lunch

3rd Session A:  Contouring the Authenticity of Christian Spiritual life: Spirituality and Comparative Anthropology

Chair: Valentine Druart

14.30-14.45 Father Stephen C. Headley

Comparative Anthropology of Prayer

14.55-15.10 Emil M. Marginean

Orthodox Spiritual Life and Eastern Meditation in the Writings of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov

15.20-15.35 Ana Novakovic

Orthodox Spirituality and Positive Psychology Concept of Well-being

15.45-16.00 Natalia Munataeva

Representing Ourselves through Discussing Others: Values of Truth and Knowledge in Orthodox Discourses of Buddhism

3rd Session B: Spirituality and Personhood

Chair: Pavlo Sabara

14.30-14.45 Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis

Personhood as “Glocal Citizenship”: Towards a Spirituality of the Secular age ‒ An Orthodox reflection

14.55-15.10 Dr. Stefan Zeljkovic

The Contribution of St. Sava to the Development of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality

15.20-15.35 Camelia Isaic 

Nicolae Steinhardt’s Spirituality of Resistance as a Political Prisoner

16.10-16:30 Coffee/Tea

II. Evening at Jabok College Library (Salmovská 1538/8, 120 00 Prague 2)

17:15-18.00 Icon Exhibition visit

18:00-18.45 Public Lecture by Dr. Ivana Noble: Can Icons be painted in a Western Key?

18.45-19.15 Discussion

19.15-20.00 Orthodox Vespers at the Jaboc College Chapel

20.00 Dinner

Saturday 1 December

9:00-9.20 Jesus prayer

5th session: Life in the Spirit  as a Living Practice: Orthodox Church Towards the World

Chair: Dr. Viorel Coman

  1. 9.30-9.45 Dr. Dimitrios Keramidas

Orthodox Spirituality and Church Mission. The Kingdom “inside” or “among” us?

  1. 9.55-10.10 Dr. Krastu Banev

Invocation of the Holy Spirit and Reconciliation in St John Chrysostom

  1. 10.20-10.35 Dr. Hadje Cresencio Sadje

Karl Gaspar’s Transformative Spirituality: Rediscovering the Pre-Colonial Philippine Spiritualities and its Challenge to the Contemporary Filipino Pentecostal Spirituality/ies

  1. 10.45-11.00 Dr. Guram Lursmanashvili

“On the Day of Pentecost the Spirit descends on the Apostles”: The Sacrament of Pentecost according to Georges Florovsky

  1. 11.05-11.20 Andrej Strocau

Historical and Theological Context of Pšerov Congress

  1. 11.20-11.35 Dr. Petre Maican

On the Importance Staniloae’s Approach to Filioque for a more Inclusive Theology of Disability

11.40-12.00 Coffee/Tea

12.00-13.00 Panel discussion ‒ Dr. Krasu Banev, Dr. Nikoalus Asproulis, Dr. Sotiris Mitralexis

Definition and Challenges of Orthodox Spirituality

13.15 -14.30 Lunch

14.30-18.30 Guided walk through places inhabited by Russian Orthodox emigrants in 1920s led by Kateřina Kočandrle Bauerová, followed by the vespers in one of the local churches

Sunday 2 December

10.00-  Liturgy followed by the communal meal and a group brainstorming regarding the activities ahead

Free time to visit the old centre of Prague