Nikolaos Asproulis is a member of the academic team of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Greece and since 2009 of the editorial department of the official theological journal of the Church of Greece, “Theologia”. He studied theology at the University of Athens and holds a PhD from the Hellenic Open University (Patras, Greece), dealing with a critical comparison of the theological methodology of Georges Florovsky and John Zizioulas.
“Is a dialogue between Orthodox theology and (post) modernity possible? The case of the Russian and Neo-patristic ‘Schools’”, Communio Viatorum LIV:2 (2012) 203-222;
“Pneumatology and Politics. The Role of the Holy Spirit in the articulation of an Orthodox Political Theology, Review of Ecumenical Studies, 7 (2/2015) 184-197;
(Co-authored with) Aristotle Papanikolaou, “Orthodox Political Theology. Past, Present, Future” Oxford Companion to Political Theology (Oxford: Forthcoming).
Translated into Greek, The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non Radical Orthodoxy, Notre Dame University, Indiana (2012), under the title Aristotle Papanikolaou, The Politics of Theosis. Orthodoxy meets Democracy (Volos Academy Publications, 2015)