ORIC Fourth International Theological Conference Online
God’s Revelation in the
Contemporary World
2-8 December
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Link to the text of the Vespers today at 5pm UK time
Conference Programme
Please note the Programme is given in GMT (UK) time
Thursday 2 December, 2-6 pm GMT/ UK time
Opening of the Conference
Discussant: Dr Johannes Pulkkanen
2-3 pm Archbishop Alexander Golitzin of Dallas (Theophany School)
Keynote Speech
3-3.30 pm Prof Bogdan Bucur (Theophany School)
Exegesis, Intertextuality, and the Transformative Gaze: Isaiah’s Vision in a Byzantine Illumination (Cod. Vatop. 760, fol. 280 v.)
3.50-4.45 pm Discussion
5 pm Vespers
Friday 3 December, 2-5 pm
Theophany in the Jewish and the Patristic Tradition
Discussant: Dr Rev Stephen Headley
2-2.20 pm Dr Rev Stephen Headley
Sergei Ovsiannikov’s Journey to Freedom
2.30- 2.50 pm Dr Danut Vasile Jemna
Divine Revelation in St. Irenaeus’ Theology
3-3.20 pm Bishop Benedict Vesa
The Concept of Revelation in Isaac of Nineveh’s Writings
3.20-4.00 pm Discussion
Saturday 4 December, 2-6 pm
The Face of God Revealed
Discussant: Dr Danut Jemna
2-2.20 pm Dr Elena Narinskaya
The Concept of Revelation in Ephrem the Syrian
2.30- 2.50 pm Dr Helena Panczova
Gregory of Nyssa on the Two Sinai Theophanies
3-3.20 pm Prof Jeffrey J. Niehaus
Righteousness And God’s Self‑Naming
3.30-3.50pm Edward Eldon
‘You Cannot Want What You Do Not Know.’ Bringing Gregory of Nyssa’s Teaching on Ascent down the Mountain
3.55-4.30 pm Discussion
Sunday 5 December, 2-4.30 pm
Discussant: Dr Petre Maican
2-2.20 pm Dr Eirini Artemi
God’s Revelation in the Teaching and Life of Sophrony of Essex
2. 30- 2.50 pm Dr Emil Marginean
Constructions of Peace in Fr Thaddeus of Vitovnica: God’s Revelation in a Pandemic World
3-3.20 pm Dr Bogdan Brinza
Revelation and Passion in Saint Maximus the Confessor
3.30-3.50 pm Dr Nikolaos Asproulis
The Role of Revelation in Georges Florovsky and John Zizioulas Theology and its Importance for Theological Methodology
4-4.30 pm Discussion
Monday 6 December, 2-6 pm
Discussant: Edward Eldon
2-2.20 pm Dr Ann Conway-Jones
Moses’ Luminous Transformation in the Darkness of Unknowing: The Journey of a Biblical Motif
2. 30- 2.50 pm Dr Dmitry Biriukov
Revelation and The Hierarchy of Beings in Gregory Palamas
3-3.20 pm Dr Olga Sevastyanova
Three Different Approaches to Sinai Theophany within Patristic Tradition
3.30-3.50 pm Dr Daniel Opperwall
How Gregory of Nazianzus View of Theophany Might be Useful to Consider in Modern Ecclesiological Questions
Tuesday 7 December, 2-6 pm
The Relation of Truth to Theophany
Discussant: Dr Petre Maican
2-2.20 pm Dr Diana Lipton
The View from a High Place: Mount Sinai as Gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven
2. 30- 2.50 pm Dr Dionisios Skliris
The Performative Notion of Truth in the Post-Modern World. Possible Theological Responses
3-3.20 pm Dr Maja Kaninska
Tradition and Traditionalism – are they Positive or Negative Concepts Today
3.30-3.50 pm Dr Slavisa Kostic
The Revelation of God in the Thought of Richard Swinbourne
Wednesday 8 December, 2-6 pm
Theophany in the Contemporary World
Discussant: Dr Viorel Coman
2-2.20 pm Dr Petre Maican
Disability and the Ascetic of Perception
2. 30- 2.50 pm Dr Johannes Pulkkanen
St Symeon the New Theologian and Liturgical Theology: Theology as Revelation and Theology as Construct
3-3.20 pm Guram Lursmanashvili
Some aspects of Revelation in the writings of Georges Florovsky
3.30-3.50 pm Dr Barbora Šmejdová
From Role to Mission: Revealing God in Motherhood through the Balthasarian Reading of Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
4-4.10 pm Rev Dr George Gibradze
God’s Revelation according to Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
4.20-5 pm Closing Discussion
Conference Closing and Vespers