Research interests
Petre is Post Doctoral Researcher at The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies associated to Radbound University in The Netherlands. Petre obtained his PhD from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, in 2016 with a thesis that draws a constructive ecumenical ecclesiology from the writings of Dumitru Stăniloae, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Paul Tillich. His current research interest lies in the area of disability theology, focusing on the relationship between intellectual disability and the Orthodox understanding of human perfection.
Edited Journal Issues:
‘The Reception of the Orthodox Ecumenical Engagement in the West’ co-editor: Justin Mihoc (Durham University), in The Ecumenical Review 73:1 (2021)
‘Vulnerability, Power, and Disability’ co-editor: Talitha Cooreman (UCLouvain) in Journal of Disability and Religion 25:1 (2021).
Research Articles:
‘Learning to Perceive: Grace and the Emotional Conundrum of Disability’Modern Theology, published online 28 January, 2022
1. ‘Childhood and the Impact of Disability’ in The Process of Maturing: Human Childhood and Adulthood in a Theological Perspective, eds Ivana Noble and Zdenko Širka (Prague: Karolinum University Press, forthcoming 2022).
2. ‘Stăniloae’s Reading of Western Theological Traditions: A Re-evaluation’ in Tendances et directions dans les recherches actuelles des théologiens orthodoxes roumains de la diaspora, eds. Ciprian Apintiliesei and Constantin Pogor (Paris: Editions du Cerf, forthcoming 2022).
3. ‘Outlining and Inclusive Anthropological Ethics for Eastern Orthodoxy’ in Journal of Scottish Theology (forthcoming 2021).
4. ‘The Care of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Romania: Between Politics and Theology’ in Political Theology published online 2 March 2021.
5. ‘Theological Exchanges: The Ecumenical Reception of Orthodoxy’ with Stephen G. Brown and Justin Mihoc in The Ecumenical Review 73:1 (2021), 1-7.
6. ‘Vulnerability and Solidarity’ with Talitha Cooreman (UCLouvain) in Journal of Disability and Religion, 25:1 (2021), 1-3.
7. ‘Vulnerability and Solidarity: An Improbable Connection’ in Journal of Disability and Religion, 25:1 (2021), 55-67.
8. ‘Overcoming Exclusion in Eastern Orthodoxy: Human Dignity and Disability from a Christological Perspective’ in Studies in Christian Ethics, 33:4 (2020), 496-509.
9. ‘Une Herméneutique Orthodoxe Œcuménique: Dumitru Stăniloae sur l’interprétation des Pères de l’Eglise dans un contexte œcuménique, in Contacts, 71:2 (2019), 190-214.
10. ‘Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Holiness for Eastern Orthodox Use’ in Communio Viatorum, 61:2 (2019), 28-39.
11. ‘Through Sensus Fidelium to Deification: Listening to the Voice of the Laity in Eastern Orthodoxy, in Modern Theology, 35: 2 (2019), 285-300.
12. ‘The Eastern Orthodox Church: Back to Progress’ in Irish Theological Quarterly, 83: 2 (2018), 1-15.
13. ‘Why Ecumenical Dialogue Matters for Eastern Orthodoxy’ in Perspectief: Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene 34, (2016), 25-34.
Papers At International Scientific Conferences Published In Proceedings:
- ‘Perfecțiunea umană în teologia ortodoxă și implicațiile ei pentru îngrijirea persoanelor cu dizabilități intelectuale profunde’ in the Proceedings of the conference Polis and Paidea (7-9 November 2019). [forthcoming at Editura Academiei Romane 2021]
- ‘The Pneumatology of Dumitru Stăniloae and its Implications for an Inclusive Ecclesiology’ in the Proceedings of the conference Church, Disability and Society (31 March 2019). [forthcoming at Volos Academy Publications 2021]
- ‘The Ambiguity of Nationalism and Ecumenism: A Romanian Orthodox Account’ in the Proceedings of The 20th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica (23-28 August 2018): On Nations and the Churches: Ecumenical Responses to Nationalism and Migration (Leipzig: Evangelishe Verlangsanstalt, 2020), 82-90.
- ‘Why Ecumenical Dialogue Matters for Eastern Orthodoxy’ in Proceedings of The 19th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica (25-30 August 2016): Just Do It? Recognition and Reception in Ecumenical Relations, Helsinki University, Finland, 25-30 August 2016 (Leipzig: Evangelishe Verlangsanstalt, 2018), 289-298.
Book Reviews:
- ‘Catéchèse et théologies du handicap: Ouvrir des chemins d’amitié au-delà des barrièrs de la déficience, by Talitha Cooreman-Guittin
Journal of Disability and Religion, published online 5 March 2021. - Libertatea omului la Karl Barth, Emil Brunner și Rudolf Bultmann, by Mihai Iordache International Journal of Orthodox Theology [forthcoming].
- Dumitru Stăniloae’s Trinitarian Ecclesiology: Orthodoxy and the Filioque, by Viorel Coman, Journal of Ecumenical Studies [forthcoming].
- Ecclesiology in the Trenches, edited by Sune Fahlgren and Jonas Ideström, Reviews in Religion and Theology 25:1, (2018), 61-64.
Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Karen Kilby,
Theology in Scotland 22:1, (2015), 65-68
Popularizing Work:
1. ‘The Sacrament of Adoption and the Orphan Crisis in Romania’ on the website Public Orthodoxy (May 2021).
2. ‘Corona Virus, productivité et déficience intellectuelle profonde’ on the website Institut de recherche Religions Spiritualités Cultures Sociétés, à l’UCLouvain.
3. ‘Rethinking Patristic Categories: Image and Likeness and Profound Cognitive Disability’ on the website Public Orthodoxy (July 2019).
4.‘Is There Anything Orthodoxy Can Learn from the Reformation?’ in The Wheel 12 (2017), 78-80.
1. For the Life of The World: Toward a Social Ethos of The Orthodox Church, translated with Viorel Coman; published as „Pentru viața lumii”. Către un etos social al Bisericii Ortodoxe (Bihor: Ratio et Revelatio, 2020)
2. ‘Nor Height nor Depth: On The Toll Houses’, by David Bentley Hart, translated from English to Romanian; published as ‘Nici înălțimea, nici adâncul Despre vămile văzduhului’, in Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara (Timișoara: Universitatea de Vest, 2020), 49-53.