Research Interests:
Nikolaos G. Tsirevelos was born in Larissa on May 13, 1978. He studied theology in Thessaloniki (2000), where he received his master’s degree in “Theology and Culture” specializing in “Ecumenical Theology” (2007). He holds a PhD in Theology with a specialization in Homiletics (2014). Nikolaos has completed his postdoctoral research in the same field at the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He is a theologian at 1st Model Senior High School of Thessaloniki “Manolis Andronikos”. He teaches as an adjunct lecturer “Orthodox Theology and Culture in Modern Education” and “Teaching of Religious Studies” at the Department of Primary Education of the University of Western Macedonia (Florina) and “Religion Studies” at the Department of Primary Education of the University of Thessaly (Volos). He also teaches “Homiletics” and “Christian Education” as a Visitor Lecturer at the Department of “Theology and Culture” at the University “Logos” in Tirana and “Interreligious dialogue and Communication” at the Université Orthodoxe Au Congo. He is a scientific collaborator and trainer of the Department of Primary Education of the University of the Aegean (Rhodes).
He has written five monographs. The first refers to the theological work of the Archbishop of Albania Anastasios, the next to the missionary activity of Saint Amfilochios of Patmos, the third and fourth were published in ebook format in the Albanian language and investigate Christian Education but also the relationship between Religious Education and ICT, while the latter is a study of the modern way of transmitting and receiving the Gospel message on the occasion of the Christmas message. He has co-authored and published two books in English, French and Dutch entitled Orthodox in Encounter: Student’s Book and Orthodox in Encounter: Teacher’s Book.
His studies and articles have been published in various scientific journals and collective volumes, while he collaborates with the Dodecanesos magazine, which is the official bulletin of the Dodecanese Provinces of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. He has participated as a speaker in various scientific conferences and workshops.
He is a member of the Pedagogical Team of the Academy of Theological Studies of Volos, and he collaborates with the European Program Educ8. He is also a trainer of adults in scientific seminars of pedagogical content, differentiated teaching and in the Study Programs for the Course of Religious Studies. He has collaborated in the preparation of the Teacher’s Guide for the High School Religious Studies Curriculum (IEP, 2017), while he belongs to the drafting team of the Study Program for the Religious Studies Course in High School (2023) and belongs to the writing team of the Teacher’s Guide for the Course of Religious Studies for High School (2022). He is a member of various scientific associations (Panhellenic Theological Association “Kairos”, “Pedagogical Society of Greece”, “Scientific Association for the Promotion of Innovation (EEPEK)”, “Center for Ecumenical, Missionary and Environmental Studies – Metropolitan of Panteleimon Papageorgiou”).
His personal blog is entitled “The Art of Theology” (https://ntsireve.blogspot.com/ ). His research interests refer to Homiletics, Christian Witness & Intercultural Dialogue and Religious Education & Culture.
His monographs have been published on the subjects of Homiletics, Christian witness and the transmission of the Gospel message:
1) N. Tsirevelos, Formimi dhe Edukimi i Krishtere: Nga teoria ne praktike, publ. Departamenti i Theologjise dhe Kultures, Kolegji Universitar Logos, Shen Vlash, 2020, pp. 140 [English translation: Christian Education and Communication: From theory to practice],
2) N. Tsirevelos, A Precursor of Orthodox witness in the nations: Saint Amfilochios of Patmos. Theology – Communication – Education, Ostracon Publishing, Thessaloniki 2019, pp. 174.
3) N. Tsirevelos, “The Message of Christmas in Modern Homiliaria” (Postdoctoral Research), Dodekanisos, Vol. A, iss. 20, p. 275-498 ,
4) N. Tsirevelos, Archbishop Anastasios’ theological foundation of Orthodox witness. A study on his work, Ostracon Publishing, Thessaloniki 2015, pp. 250.
5) N. Tsirevelos, Missionary magazines: How Orthodox martyria is recorded during the postwar period. A communicative approach, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Theology, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2014, pp. 370.