Research interests
Dionysios Skliris holds a PhD from the University of Paris IV- Sorbonne with the title “The term tropos (mode) in the thought of Maximus the Confessor”. He also holds a Master in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies from the University of London, his dissertation concerning “The theory of evil in Proclus: Proclus’ Theodicy as a completion of Plotinus monism” and a Master II on Byzantine Literature from the University of Paris IV- Sorbonne, a BA in Classics and a BA in Theology from the University of Athens. He is currently a Teaching Fellow at the Theological Department of the Theological Faculty of the University of Athens. His works include On the Road to Being: Saint Maximus the Confessor’s Syn-odical Ontology, (Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2018) and Logos- Mode – Telos: A study in the thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor (Athens: Indiktos & Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2018, in Greek). He is also the editor of the volume Slavoj Žižek and Christianity (Abingdon, Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2018).
- I am loved, therefore I think. Chapters of Theological Epistemology and Ontology, Athens: Armos, 2021 [title in Greek: Αγαπώμαι, άρα σκέφτομαι. Κεφάλαια Θεολογικής Επιστημολογίας και Οντολογίας].
- God chose those who are not. A Dialogue between Theology and Humanities, Athens: Akritas, 2021 [title in Greek: Οι ανύπαρκτοι που διάλεξε ο Θεός. Διάλογος ανάμεσα στη Θεολογία και τις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες].
- Healing the World from Evil. Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus, Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2021.
- Slavoj Žižek and Christianity, Abingdon, Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2018 (editor).
- Le concept de «tropos» chez Maxime le Confesseur, PhD, Paris: Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2015, forthcoming in Peeters Publishers.
- On the Road to Being: Saint Maximus the Confessor’s Syn-odical Ontology, Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2018.
- Logos – Mode – End. A study on the thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor, Athens: Indiktos & Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2018 [title in Greek: Λόγος – Τρόπος – Τέλος: Σπουδή στη σκέψη του αγίου Μαξίμου του Ομολογητού].
- «Reactions of Modern Greek Theologians to Natural Theology», in: Bradshaw, David and Swinburne, Richard (eds.), Natural Theology in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, St Paul, Minnesota: IOTA Publications, 2021, p. 125-148.
- Вера и мисао у вртлогу времена. Међународни зборник радова у част митрополита Амфилохија (Радовића) и епископа Атанасија (Јевтића), Belgrade, Podgorica and Foča: Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade, 2021, p. 521-529.
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- Sexed bodies in the light of the eschatological body: The re-institution of the order of Deaconesses and women’s ordination as a Christ-like mode of overcoming sexism», in: Vassiliadis, Petros (ed.), Deaconesses: Past- Present- Future, Thessaloniki: Cemes, 2020, p. 127-148.
- «The quest for a novel philosophy of freedom in the thought of Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Lossky and Georges Florovsky», Analogia 8 (2020) p. 143-169.
- «‘I love, therefore I know’: The critique of Saint Justin Popović to Western philosophy and its Patristic presuppositions», in: Čvetković, Vladimir, Lubardić, Bogdan (eds.), Thought and Mission of Saint Justin Popović, Belgrade: 2019, p. 293-310 [title of the original: «‘Волим дакле спознајем’: критика западне филозофије по светом Јустину Поповићу и њенe светоотачке претпоставке», Владимир Цветковић, Богдан Лубардић (Уредници), Мисао И Мисија Светог Јустина Поповића, Београд 2019].
- «Ambiguities in Plotinus’ account of the generation of the Intellect from the One», Philotheos 19/1 (2019), p. 76-84.
- «Gender as a historical charisma in the thought of Saint Gregory of Nyssa and Saint Maximus the Confessor», Synaxi 152 (2019), p. 43-58.
- «Saint Maximus the Confessor’s Trinitarian Theology of Nous, Logos and Spirit as a Model of Spirituality», in: Sevastyanova, Olga and Asproulis, Nikolaos (eds.), Understanding Orthodox Christian Spirituality Today: Insights from Patristic and Contemporary Theology, Volos: Volos Academy Publications, 2019, p. 41-51.
- «Aristotelian Marxism, Critical Metaphysics: The Political Theology of Christos Yannaras», Political Theology 20/4 (2019), p. 331-348.
- «The philosophy of mode (‘tropos’) in the thought of Christos Yannaras», in: Andreopoulos, Andreas, Harper, Demetrios (eds.), Christos Yannaras: Philosophy, Theology, Culture, London & New York: Routledge, 2019, p. 26-40.
- «Syn-odical Ontology: Maximus the Confessor’s proposition for Ontology, within History and in the Eschaton», in: Mitralexis, Sotiris and Podbielski, Marcin (eds.), Christian and Islamic Philosophies of Time, Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2018, p. 85-117.
- «Christos Yannaras’ Political Ontology: An introductory sketch», in: Mitralexis, Sotiris (ed.), Polis, Ontology, Ecclesial Event: Engaging with Christos Yannaras’ Thought, Cambridge: James Clarke & Co, 2018, p. 19-46.
- «Catholicity and Individuality in the Christology of Saint Maximus the Confessor: Existential implications», Theologikon 6 (2017), p. 59-81.
- «The ontological implications of Maximus the Confessor’s eschatology», in: Vinzent, Markus (ed.), Studia Patristica LXXXIX, Papers presented at the 17th International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford, Mitralexis, Sotiris (ed.), The Fountain and the Flood: Maximus the Confessor and Philosophical Enquiry, Volume 15, Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT: Peeters, 2017, p. 3-30.
- «Is there an opposite of substance? A dialogue between Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) and Aristotle in the direction of an eschatological transformation of Aristotelian teleology», in: Proceedings of the International Conference «Aristotle and Christianity» (24-25 November 2016), Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2017, p. 232-246 (in Greek).
- «’Eschatological teleology’, ‘free dialectic’, ‘Metaphysics of the Resurrection’: The three antinomies that make Maximus an alternative European philosopher», in: Mitralexis, Sotiris, Steiris, Georgios, Podbielski, Marcin & Lalla, Sebastian (eds.), Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2017, p. 3-23.
- «Maximus the Confessor’s dialectic of logos, mode and end in a postmodern context and its importance to a theological evaluation of race and nationalism», Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 69 (2017), p. 249-280.
- «From domination to impassibility: Overcoming the dialectic between dominator and dominated according to the thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor», Analogia 2/1 (2017), p. 145-165.
- «The ontology of mode in the thought of Maximus the Confessor and its consequences for a theory of gender», in: Mitralexis, Sotiris (ed.), Mustard Seeds in the Public Square: Between and Beyond Theology, Philosophy, and Society, Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2017, p. 39-60.
- «Aristotelian Influences on Plotinus’ Concept of the Intellect», Philotheos 17 (2017), p. 57-65.
- «Trinitarian Theology and the particularity of Modern Greece», in: Steiris, Georgios, Mitralexis, Sotiris, Arabatzis, Georgios (eds.), The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: From the Ecumene to the Nation-State, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, p. 129-143.
- «Eschatological teleology: The biblical Aristotelianism of Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662)», in: Vavouras, Ilias (ed.), Philosophical interventions on Aristotle, Thessaloniki: Romi, 2016, p. 147-157 (in Greek).
- «The virtues of the irascible part of the soul according to Maximus the Confessor», Synaxi 129 (2014), p. 52-68 (in Greek).
- «Hypostasis, Person, Individual, Mode: A Comparison between the terms that denote concrete being in St Maximus’ theology», in: Vasiljević, Maxim (ed.), Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection. Proceedings of the Symposium on St Maximus the Confessor. Belgrade, October 18-21, 2012, Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press, 2013, p. 437-450.
- «Person, Individual and Gnomic Will in the thought of Maximus the Confessor», Theologia 84,3 (2013), p. 65-110 (in Greek).
- «The demand for historicity and the dialectic between logos, tropos and telos in the thought of St. Maximus the Confessor”, Synaxi 126 (2013), p. 21-30 (in Greek).
- «Personal experience and speculation in Plotinus», Philotheos 10 (2010), p. 126-136.
- «The theory of evil in Proclus: Proclus’ Theodicy as a completion of Plotinus’ monism», Philotheos 8 (2008), p. 137-159.