Research interests
Danut Manastireanu is a Romanian Anglican theologian and holds a PhD in theology from Brunel University London, UK, with a thesis titled A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae, published in 2012 by Lambert, in Saarbrucken, Germany. He taught theology and spirituality at: Eastern University in St. Davids, Penn., US; Emanuel University in Oradea, Cluj University and Oradea University, in Romania; the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia; and the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, Czech Republic. He served for sixteen years as Director for Faith & Development for the Middle East and the Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International. He is retired now and lives, with his family, in Glasgow, where he continues to do research, write, and mentor younger theologians. His theological interests include contemporary Orthodox theology, ecclesiology, Trinitarianism, theology of culture, etc. He has been involved for over thirty years in promoting dialogue and cooperation between Evangelicals and the Orthodox in Romania and beyond. He is a member of the Board of Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative.
عب الإيمان، الناس العدل [People of Faith, People of Justice], in Arabic, Jerusalem: World Vision, 2013, (General Editor)
Liudi verii, liudi miloserdia [People of Faith. People of Justice], in Russian, Moscow: Triada, 2012, (General Editor)
A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae, Saabrucken: Lambert, 2012
After Liberation, Then What? Enabling and Protecting Communities in Post-Authoritarian Contexts, Monrovia, Ca.: World Vision International, 2012
Morwmune adamianebi: samartliani adamianebi [People of Faith. People of Justice], in Georgian, Tbilisi: World Vision, 2011, (General Editor)
People of Faith. People of Justice, Iasi: Adoramus, 2010, (General Editor)
Oameni ai credinţei, Oameni ai dreptăţii [People of Faith. People of Justice], Iasi: Adoramus, 2009, (General Editor)
Nga Skllavëria në Shkretëtirë. Një këndvështrim i krishterë mbi komunizmin dhe postkomunizmin [in Albanian; Eng.: From Bondage to the Desert. A Christian View of Communism and Post-communism], Tirana: World Vision Albania, 2009
Gerutyunits Anapat (in Armenian. Eng. From Bondage to the Desert), Yerevan: Gasprint, 2007
Locul Scripturii in traditia ortodoxa [The Place of Scripture in the Orthodox Tradition], Cluj: Alma mater, 2006
Academic Articles
‘My Personal Encounter with Fr. Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology’, in Alin Tat, ed., Homo viator. Perspective ecumenice in antropologie, Cluj: Napoca Star, 2018, pp. 159-170
‘Spiritual and Ecumenical Implications of Fr. Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology’, in Calin-Daniel Patulea & A. Tat, eds., Adevarul e simfonic. Studii ecumenice, Cluj: Napoca Star, 2018, pp. 83-98
‘Protestants in Romania’, Keston Newsletter, 25, 2017, 1-14
‘The Impact of Langham Scholars on Theological Development among Romanian Evangelicals’, in Kassis, Riad A et al, eds., Breath and Bone. Living Out the Mission of God in the World. Festschrift to Dr Chris Wright, Carlisle: Langham, 2017, pp. xx-xx
‘Blessed be the Poet’, in Sepsi, Eniko & S Toth – Mellékzörej [Background Noise]. Essays and Papers… in Honor of András Visky’s Sixtieth Birthday, Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem & Harmat Kiadó; Budapest & Koloszvar: Koinónia, 2017, pp. 287-300
‘The Story of the Lausanne–Orthodox Initiative. A Personal Perspective’, in Constantineanu, Corneliu et al, eds., Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends, Oxford: Regnum, 2017, 207-216
‘The Story of the Lausanne–Orthodox Initiative: A Personal Perspective’, in Constantineanu, Corneliu et al, eds., Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends, Oxford: Regnum, 2016, pp. 207-216
‘Discipleship in the Orthodox Tradition’, in Intentional Discipleship and Disciple-Making. An Anglican Guide for Christian Life and Formation, London: The Anglican Consultative Council, 2016, 35-36
‘Ethical Witness, Absolutely! Proselytizing, Hopefully Not’, Response 1 to Elmer J. Thiesen’s paper ‚Ethical Evangelism and Proselytizing’, in M. Oxbrow & T. Grass, eds., The Mission of God. Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission, Oxford: Regnum, 2015, pp. 135-142
‘Lewis, Reluctant Convert and (Not So) Ordinary Anglican’, Linguaculture, 2, 2014, pp. 57-65
‘After Comunism: Forty Years in the Desert?’ – II, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 22, 2, Spring 2014, pp. 5-7
‘After Comunism: Forty Years in the Desert?’ – I, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 22, 1, Winter 2014, pp. 5-8
‘The Marks of the Church in the Theology of Dumitru Staniloae’, in Miroslav Volf et al. (eds.), First the Kingdom of God – A Festschirft in Honor of Prof. Dr. Peter Kuzmic, Osijek: Evandeoski teoloski fakultet, 2011, pp. 43–56
‘Perichoresis and the Early Christian Doctrine of God’, Archaeus, XI–XII, 2007–2008, pp. 61–94
‘Religie şi secularizare în modernitatea târzie’ [Religion and Secularization in Late Modernity], Verso, 3, 40–41, 1–31 July 2008, 14–15
‘Pr. Dumitru Staniloae in teologia contemporana’ [Fr. Dumitru Staniloae in Contemporary Theology] in L. Streza, J. Henkel, G. F. Anghelescu, Dumitru Staniloae (1903–1993) Teologie romaneasca de dimensiune europeana [Dumitru Staniloae (1903–1993) Romanian Theology of European Dimension], Sibiu: Schiller, 2008, 267–278
‘Averea intangibila a popoarelor. Un studiu recent al Bancii Mondiale’ [The Intangible Wealth of Nations. A Recent Study of the World Bank], Verso, 3, 31, 1–15 Feb, 2008, 14–15
‘Romanian Evangelicals with Doctorates in Theology’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 15, 1, Winter 2007, 7–12
‘Western Assistance in Theological Training for Romanian Evangelicals Since 1989–II’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 15, 1, Winter 2007, 5–6
‘Western Assistance in Theological Training for Romanian Evangelicals Since 1989–I’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 14, 4, Fall 2006, pp 6–9
‘Review of E. Rybarczyk, Beyond Salvation. Eastern Orthodoxy and Classical Pentecostalism on Becoming Like Christ, International Journal of Systematic Theology, 8, 4, Oct. 2006, 466–468
‘Western Assistance in Theological Training for Romanian Evangelicals to 1989’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 14, 3, Summer 2006, pp 1–4
‘Review of B. Nassif et all, Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism’, International Journal of Systematic Theology, 8, 1, 2006, 110–113
‘De la fundamentalism la noul spirit evanghelic’ [From Fundamentalism to the New Evangelical Spirit] in O. Bunaciu, R. Gheorghita, E. Bartos (eds.), Care imparte drept Cuvintul adevarului. Volum omagial Ioan Bunaciu [Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. Festschrift to Ioan Bunaciu], Reformatio, Oradea, 2005, 289–302
‘Models of the Church’, Studia Theologica, 2, 3, 2004
‘Pledoarie pentru identitatea evanghelica’ (A Case for Evangelical Identity] in Iosif Ton: Orizonturi noi in spiritualitate si slujire [Joseph Tson: New Horizons in Spirituality and Ministry], Cartea crestina, Oradea, 2004, 327–340
‘Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology of Ministry’, in Lucian Turcescu (ed.), Dumitru Staniloae. Tradition and Modernity in Theology, Iasi: The Center for Romanian Studies, 2002, 126–144
‘Review of Charles Miller, The Gift of the World: An Introduction to the Theology of Dumitru Staniloae’, International Journal of Systematic Theology, 3, 3, Nov. 2001, 333–340
‘Trei expresii ale patologiei religioase a societatii romanesti postcomuniste’ [Three Manifestations of the Religious Pathology in the Romanian Postcommunist Society], Xenopoliana, VII, 3–4, 1999, 111–116
‘Evangelical Denominations in Post-Communist Romania II’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 6, 2, Summer 1998, 7–10
‘Evangelical Denominations in Post-Communist Romania I’, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 6, 2, Spring 1998, 1–3
‘Despre educatia crestina’ [On Christian Education], Crestinul Azi. Supliment teologic, 1,1 1998, 9–14
‘Nationalismul – o provocare actuala pentru Biserica’ [Nationalism As Current Challenge for the Church], Crestinul Azi, 5, 54, August 1996, 6–11
‘Neoprotestans jelen, neoprotestáns jüvö’ [Neoprotestants Yesterday – Neoprotestants Today], in Hungarian, Korunk, 10, 1990, 1352–1356