Research interests
Byron J. Gaist, PhD, is a Registered Counselling Psychologist and Licensed Psychotherapist based in Cyprus. He studied psychology in the U.K. at the University of York, following it up with postgraduate studies in the psychology of counselling, in theology and religious studies, and in psychoanalytic studies. His research interests include the interface between psychology and theology, and in particular the relationship between Orthodox Christian spirituality and contemporary psychotherapy. His doctoral dissertation exploring the psychodynamics of healing in Orthodoxy and Jungian Analytical Psychology, titled “Creative Suffering and the Wounded Healer”, was published by the Orthodox Research Institute in 2010.
Gaist, B. (2010) Creative Suffering and the Wounded Healer – Analytical Psychology and Orthodox Christian Theology, Orthodox Research Institute, Rollinsford, New Hampshire.
Articles, Book Chapters, Book Reviews & Letters
Milton, M.; Taylor, M. & Gaist, B. (1998) ‘Professional Identities in the NHS: Existential Perspectives’, in Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 9.1, pp. 114-128, London.
Gaist, B. (2010) ‘A view from Cyprus’, letter in Thresholds, Journal of the Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling (BACP), Winter 2010, pp. 5-6, Lutterworth, UK.
Gaist, B. (2012) ‘Jung, Florensky and Dreams: three levels of interpretation’, in Quadrant, Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, XXXXII:1 Winter 2012, pp. 19-33, New York.
Gaist, B. (2012) ‘No trouble with religion’, letter in Thresholds, Journal of the Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling (BACP), Spring 2012, pp. 16-19, Lutterworth, UK.
Gaist, B. (2013) ‘Understanding religion and spirituality in clinical practice’, book review in International Journal of Jungian Studies, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 103-105, Routledge.
Gaist B. (2013) ‘Encountering depression: frequently asked questions for Christians’, book review in Thresholds, Journal of the Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling (BACP), Autumn 2013, p.31, Lutterworth, UK.
Gaist, B. (2014) ‘Knowledge, wisdom and the science complex in Orthodox Christianity and Jungian Psychology’, ch. 8 in Jung and the Question of Science, ed. R. Jones, Routledge, UK.
Gaist, B. & Jones, R. (2014) ‘Wisdom and Archetype’, Part ii in Jung and the Question of Science, ed. R. Jones, Routledge, UK.
Gaist B. (2014) ‘Testing the spirits’ article in Thresholds, Journal of the Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling (BACP), pp.5-8, Spring 2014, Lutterworth, UK.
Gaist B. (2018) The Social Construction of ‘Ethnic Identity’: Confusion over Terms? How the Sociology of ‘Ethnic Identity’ can be Relevant to the Use of Theory in Counselling Psychology. “Fabrica Societatis” vol. 1, no. 1, pp.69-92. The article can be accessed here: http://www.fabricasocietatis.uni.wroc.pl/en/node/22.
Regular fortnightly psychology column, On the Couch, The Cyprus Review, between November 2000 and November 2001
In Greek
Γκέιστ, Β. & Χαραλάμπους, Σ. (2002) ‘Το Προφίλ των Θυμάτων και Θυτών Βίας στην Οικογένεια: η Εμπειρία του Κέντρου Άμεσης Βοήθειας του Συνδέσμου για την Πρόληψη και Αντιμετώπιση της Βίας στην Οικογένεια’, Επιθετικότητα: Πρακτικά 4ου Ψυχολογικού Συνέδριου Κύπρου, σ. 50-55, επ. Κωνσταντίνος Μ. Κόκκινος, Λευκωσία.
Γκέιστ, Β. (2002) ‘Επικοινωνία: Σχολείο – Γονείς – Κοινότητα’, Πρακτικά Συνέδριου Επικοινωνία Σχολείου – Οικογένειας, σ. 25-26, Λύκειο Εθνομάρτυρα Κυπριανού, Λευκωσία