ORIC Conference 2023 Tbilisi

ORIC Sixth International Theological Conference

In cooperation with the Theological School of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University in Tbilisi, Georgia

The conference is organised with the financial support of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St Sergius


                 1-7 December 2023 Kutaisi-Tbilisi

Update: Gathered in Tbilisi for a theological conference, our journey began in Kutaisi, where we spent a weekend in deep discussion and fellowship. Here are some snapshots capturing the essence of our theological odyssey.

ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
ORIC Georgia 2023
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Conference Programme

Monday 4 December


Opening of the Conference 

Talks at the Theological School of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University in Tbilisi

8.45-9.00 am Prayer

9.00-9.10 am Conference Welcome Speech

9.10-9.20 am Dean of the Faculty Welcome Speech

9.20-10 am Dr. Olga Sevastyanova, Keynote Speech: Meeting God Face to Face

10.00-10.10 am Coffee break

1st Session

Chair: Rev. Dr Stephen Headley

10.10-10.40 am Metropolitan of Zimbabwe Serafim Kykotis

The Biblical exegesis of St. Athanasius the Great vs. the one of Arius’

10.40-11.10 am Dr Danut Vasile Jemna

Scriptural exegesis of Irenaeus of Lyon

11.10-11.40 am Dr Zdenko Sirka

Biblical exegesis of the Cappadocian Fathers

11.40- 12.10 am Dr Olga Sevastyanova

Scriptural exegesis of Gregory of Nyssa

12.10 pm Taking ORIC Group Picture

12.20-1.45 pm Lunch

2nd Session

Chair: Dr. Dionysius Skliris

2-2.30 pm Dr Eka Tchkoidze

The letter of Abgar in the Church practice (a Georgian case)

2.30-3.00 pm Dr Alessia Brombin

Interpreting Scripture through Chrysostom’s lens: John Chrysostom’s path to divine reconciliation

3- 3.30 pm Dr Guram Lursmanashvili

George the Hagiorite and his contribution to Georgian biblical studies

3.30-3.45 am Coffee break

3.45-5.15 pm Panel Discussion: Scripture as a Prophesy about Christ: Different Approaches to Scriptural Exegesis in Patristic Tradition

Chair: Guram Lursmanashvilli

5.30-6.45 pm Dinner at Sormoni Restaurant (57 Alexander Kazbegi Ave, Tbilisi 0101)

7 pm Vespers in the Faculty Chapel

Tuesday 5 December


Talks at the Theological School of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University in Tbilisi

8.45-9.00 am Prayer

1st Session

Chair: Dr Emil Marginian

9.00-9.30 am Dr Dionysios Skliris

The logoi of Scripture according to Saint Maximus the Confessor and their relevance for a contemporary Narrative Theology

9.30-10.00 Dr Bogdan Brinza

“Ὁ πάθος and τό πάθημα – Their role in the demarche of interpretation of the Holy Scripture in the vision of Saint Maximus the Confessor.”

 10 -10.15 am Coffee break

2nd Session

Chair: Natalia Munataeva

10.15-10.45 am Dr Eirini Arthemi

Scriptural exegesis of Cyril of Alexandria

10.45- 11.15 am Dr Emil Marginian

An innovative spiritual approach to holy writings and sacred scriptures in Nil Sorsky

11.15-11.45 am Dr Stefan Zeljkovic

Reading scripture as orthodox theologians means living scripture as disciples of Christ towards others

12.00-1.30 Lunch

3rd Session

Chair: Dr Petre Maican

1.30-2.00 pm Dr Sotiris Mitralexis

Scripture’s language and its sociopolitical adventures: An unfortunate case study from early 20th-century Greece

2.00-2.30 pm Rev. Dr  Nathanael Neacșu

Scripture, Church, Tradition. A dynamic theological reading of the Scripture within the traditional framework of the Church

2.30-3.00 pm Rev. Dr Stephen Headley

Scripture as God’s writing on our heart

3-3.30 pm Dr Raul-Ovidiu Bodea

The notion of Biblical Faith in the Theology of John Zizioulas

3.30-3.45 pm Coffee break

4.00-6.00 pm Round Table: Brainstorming Different Approaches to Biblical Exegesis

Chair: Natalia Munataeva

6.10 pm Dinner at Sormoni Restaurant (57 Alexander Kazbegi Ave, Tbilisi 0101)

Wednesday 6 December


Talks at the Theological School of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University in Tbilisi

8.45-9.00 am Prayer

1st Session

Chair: Dr Natalia Doran

9.00-9.30 am Aleksandre Gabunia

Rediscovering Scriptural perspective of Byzantine iconography: The inverted perspective of Orthodox Christianity

9.30-10.00 am Dr Petre Maican

The primacy of experience in interpreting Scripture: A critical assessment

10.00-10.30 am Dr Natalia Doran

Creation Psalm – a case study of Orthodox interpretation

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45- 11.15 am Dr Viktar Niachayeu

The empirical study of the regularity and importance of Bible reading among the highly religious Orthodox population

11.15-11.45 am Slavisa Kostic

The contribution of  Emilijan Čarnić to Biblical hermeneutics and textual criticism for Serbian Biblical Scholarship

12.00-1.30 pm Lunch

2nd Session

Chair: Paschalis Tsitsifulas

1.30-2 pm Dr Elena Narinskaya

The prophets and community building in Biblical exegesis

2-2.30 pm Dr Lawrence Osborn

To till and to keep: towards an Orthodox reading of Genesis 2:15 in the context of the Climate Crisis

2.30-3 pm Dr Viorel Coman

The Holy Spirit and Scripture: Andre Scrima’s contribution to Vatican II’s dogmatic constitution on Divine revelation Dei Verbum

3-3.15 pm Coffee break

3.15-4.45 pm Round Table

Reading Scriptures as Orthodox Theologians: Contemporary Challenges and Perspectives

ORIC Members Research and Publications Reports

Chair: Dr Olga Sevastyanova

5 pm Brainstorming of the ORIC Future Activities

6 pm Dinner at Sormoni Restaurant

7 pm Conference Closing and Vespers